
    -Brief Business Travel Insights

    18 Mar 2024

    The impact of business travel on mental wellbeing

    Business travel can have serious implications for people’s health and mental wellbeing. It is now firmly on the agenda as a workplace mental health issue.

    A study conducted by the International SOS Foundation has revealed that business trips contribute to behavioural changes in people in the workplace. These include depression, stress and anxiety.

    Some of this is down to how technology has actually extended people’s working hours while travelling, because of its accessibility.

    However, there is also considerable stress involved in the process of travelling and being on the road a lot of the time.

    The research indicates that many organisations do not have sufficient mental health resources in place, or a workplace wellness programme.

    International Business Travel and Mental Health

    The research interviewed 200 business travellers. 45% said they felt more stressed on business trips, while 31% felt emotionally exhausted. Over a quarter of respondents said they experienced more prevalent mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

    There are also a physical health implications, with people travelling for business less likely to have a balanced diet or to get much exercise, or even much good quality sleep.

    The problem is that while international business travel opens up opportunities, it also comes at a cost to wellbeing.

    Safeguarding Health and Business Continuity

    What measures can organisations and companies take to try and safeguard employees who are travelling on their behalf?

    The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is clear about the measures for tackling stress, and about the impact stress can have, with over 11 million days a year lost through stress in the workplace.

    But how does stress risk management translate to business travel?

    There are various stress factors associated with business travel.

    Some of these are common to other work situations, including sudden, unexpected workloads, unclear reporting lines and responsibilities, and rapidly changing circumstances.

    However, they may also suffer from specific, travel-related stress factors, including: a lack of peer support, or other support network; isolation from family and friends; and jet lag.

    These factors also include lack of sleep, lack of exercise and poor diet, as mentioned above.

    Symptoms of poor mental health can appear as impaired performance, poor concentration and erratic emotional behaviour.

    Better Support for Business Travellers

    More organisations must consider implementing procedures aimed at reducing the mental health risks of business travellers.

    Just as mental wellbeing within the workplace has become much more widely recognised, so the impact of business-related travel on employees, along with remote working, needs careful consideration.

    There are internal measures businesses and organisations can take to support employees, such as wellness programmes and resilience training, counselling and regular employee surveys.

    However, they should also consider the conditions and quality of business travel, and what practical support there is to improve the business travel experience.

    One such area of dedicated support is Executive car services, providing expert business and chauffeur class transfers.

    Here, the focus is on ensuring passengers get all the support they need to reduce any stress and remove the uncertainties and inconvenience associated with business travel.

    For more information about our specialist services, please complete our online contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

    -Brief Business Travel Insights

    11 Jan 2024

    What is the future of the office?

    We regularly hear the phrase ‘back to normal’, when referring to a post-Covid life, but what does ‘normal’ or ‘new normal’ look like with regards to working from home and the office?

    The COVID pandemic has forced a substantial number of companies, across many sectors to help set up remote working facilities for their staff.

    Many of these businesses may have previously resisted the temptation to offer this opportunity to staff, whilst many businesses operate in sectors where remote working has an impact on how their company can operate. It is safe to say that the transition to working from home, has had to be very quick.

    So what is the future of the office?

    The short-term working solution has been dealt? What next?  Will everyone simply return to the office as usual, on a Monday to Friday, when safe to do so? Will the morning and after work commutes be as stressful and busy as before?

    It seems that the working from home debate has forced most businesses to review their internal processes and plans for how they will manage this matter, long term.

    Companies such as Goldman Sachs have already made it clear that working home, does not work for their company ‘culture’, whilst JP Morgan and HSBC have a slightly different view on this and will offer staff the opportunities to work from home full time and also the option of a ‘Hybrid’ working pattern – flexible working between home and the office.

    From a member of staff’s perspective, the working from home experience has been equally split.

    Those with ample working space at home will have found the transition much easier than those working from bedrooms, living rooms and kitchen tables. Add in the stresses of childcare and home schooling and there is definitely a section of the working population who will feel they will benefit and enjoy going back to the office again. There have also been numerous reports of staff having to work longer hours because they are at home and near to their laptops and PC’s. The return to the office offers the feeling of a more structured working week.

    There will also be a large section who have enjoyed the opportunity to strike up a better work/life balance and to remove the stresses and strains of their daily commute. Both have a major impact on your mental and physical well-being. More time may have been spent with families and friends, which they may not have had previously.

    Its difficult to make an argument for one particular solution, which will suit every company and their staff.

    It will be crucial for companies to engage with their staff and form a plan that suits their own business. As long as the company performance, service delivery and internal staff targets are being met, does it really matter if some staff are in the office or at home?

    However, many internal ideas and issues have been raised and dealt with in the office, when making a cup of tea or bumping into a colleague during the day. That is clearly much harder to do when working from home.

    The ‘new normal’ may be embracing flexibility and working together in finding new, productive ways of working, which can improve both work and personal lives.

    If all businesses, regardless of their working from home plans, continue to support their staff as they have, it will be a massive step in bouncing back from some of the toughest months, many businesses have ever encountered.

    -Brief Business Travel Insights

    10 Dec 2023

    Can chauffeur cars ease the stress of air travel?

    If work-related stress is seen as a 21st century disease, then intense business travel schedules are likely to make it more acute. This is especially true of business air travel.

    However, while chauffeur class transfers cannot affect what goes on in the air, they can very much help to soften its impact on the ground and significantly improve the passenger’s overall experience.

    Why Business Travel is Stressful

    There is the whole business of organising and administering business travel. This includes booking tickets and hotel accommodation, working out schedules, often with some fire-fighting thrown in when things do not go according to plan.

    The whole process of travel can be stressful, and the stress is cumulative: from being separated from family for prolonged periods, to the busy clamour of airports; and the experience of the flight itself.

    Furthermore, flight travel is often subject to delays and other disruptive issues, such as loss of luggage.

    One of the most frequently sited sources of stress for frequent flyers is the loss of time due to delays, as well as time spent in the air.

    Many senior business executives travel so much that their stress levels have no time to re-set themselves. Research suggests that frequent air travellers experience different levels of stress to occasional travellers.

    There is also the issue of travelling alone, and how this also contributes to the stress of business travel.

    Behavioural and Health Risks

    Analysis of data from research by the Global Business Air Travel Association and American Express reveals that there are common threats to health that are largely ignored when it comes to corporate travel advice.

    These include stress, sleep interruption and unhealthy eating and drinking.

    Frequent business air travel can have a lifestyle impact, and, over time, these issues can increase the risk of chronic diseases.

    Another potential psychological impact from air travel comes with air rage. Flying makes people angry. It comes from a combination of experiencing a loss of control and of difficulty in empathising with others.

    All these factors can then have a negative impact on business performance.

    If business executives are travelling by air, what can they do to help them feel more at ease, and more business-ready when they reach their destination point?

    The Benefit of Chauffeur Class Transfers The first and last mile or so of a journey can be critical in affecting the overall outcome for the passenger.

    This is something that informs the delivery of chauffeur class transfers.

    It is about much more than getting business executives from A to B. It is about the whole journey experience and ensuring that passengers using executive car services can expect some aspects of their journey to be comfortable, reliable and seamless.

    Will this alleviate the effects of stressful air travel?

    They are not a complete cure, obviously, but executive chauffeur class transfers can make a big difference at crucial points in a journey.

    They can reassure the traveller when their journey commences that they are on schedule and that the details are taken care of.

    And at the end of a journey, they can provide a much-needed source of comfort and efficiency, in preparation for the day’s business ahead.

    For more information about Driven Worldwide’s chauffeur class transfer services, please complete our online contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

    -Brief Business Travel Insights

    11 Nov 2023

    Is business travel still important?

    With an increasingly joined-up world of digital communications, is business travel still important?

    While there are convenient, advanced video-conferencing and communications applications such as Skype for Business and Zoom, they are still a form of remote working.

    Business is about people and, people do business with other people they like, trust and value.

    To build these relationships, there is no substitute for real human interaction, which is why business travel, as an enabler of this, is still important.

    Deals and Decisions in Person

    People want to put a name to a face where a business deal is involved. Similarly, important decision-making often requires the reassurance of having someone actually in the room.

    Research published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology indicates that asking for help, or looking for co-operation, gets a far more positive response in person than online, via email.

    Many leading companies will not sign a contract without company leaders meeting face to face.

    You can derive a lot of unspoken information from someone’s body language, for example, making face to face a superior medium of communication.

    Human interaction helps build valuable foundations for future business relationships, and bolsters existing relationships.

    Communication skills can help people negotiate difficult terms, and see where they have common ground with others.

    Leadership and Opportunity

    One of the most vital qualities a successful leader in business must have is the ability to inspire others, including colleagues and clients.

    An effective means of doing this is by having good visibility and not simply relying on remote communication.

    Consequently, leaders who regularly make the effort to be with other people in person, are likely to develop a more impactful style of leadership.

    Another benefit of meeting people face to face is opportunity.

    Being away from the desk offers a greater degree of freedom in terms of interacting with others, and the opportunity to strike up new, potentially valuable business relationships.

    You cannot network as effectively remotely or digitally as you can in person.

    Again, this is about the personal aspect of relationship-building, and of reading how others respond close up.

    How Business Travel Enables Better Communication

    Business travel drives face to face business communication, often literally.

    Executive car services, whether business class or chauffeur class, help individuals connect meaningfully, providing the critical infrastructure links that are not covered by air or rail.

    These services are also vital because they operate fully in context – they are specially tailored to meet the demands of busy and complex itineraries.

    Moreover, just as the mechanics of business travel are important in facilitating face to face business meetings, so the travel experience itself supports this kind of interaction.

    By ensuring the traveller reaches their destination in as stress-free, comfortable and business-friendly a means as possible, this helps with their focus and performance when it comes to meeting others.

    Maximising Business Travel to Minimise Hassle

    Specialising in executive car services, Driven Worldwide provides essential, expert business support in getting people to where they need to be, taking care of itineraries, connections and the comfort of its clients.

    For more information, please complete our online contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

    -Brief Business Travel Insights

    31 Oct 2023

    Service in style: Benefits of hiring a chauffeur

    Contrary to popular belief, chauffeur services aren’t solely for celebrities.

    They cater to a wide and varied clientele, meaning more people than you realise benefiting from using them.

    This article explains exactly what a chauffeur is, what they do, who typically uses their services and the advantages of doing so.

    What is the definition of a chauffeur?

    So, what is a chauffeur?

    A chauffeur is a person with professional training to drive a private or commercial luxury car for paying customers.

    And what is chauffeuring? Chauffeuring is simply the act of a person (usually a chauffeur) driving a vehicle for someone else as a paid job. Chauffeurs specialise in luxury transportation, and the demands of their role go far beyond that of your average taxi driver.

    They provide transportation with finesse, and are often used by distinguished clientele, including VIPs.

    Chauffeurs are usually experienced drivers. They are impeccably presented in formal attire and are trained to be punctual, polite, courteous, and discrete. Their comprehensive preparation includes advanced driving skills, car etiquette, customer safety, security awareness, and knowledge of the local area.

    The scope of a chauffeur’s duties extends beyond driving.

    They perform various additional functions, including meet and greet, luggage assistance, and security services. They may also provide specialist services, including chauffeuring for business meetings, corporate events, diplomatic services, as-directed hire, and financial roadshows.

    When you hire a chauffeur, you can expect a luxury vehicle where comfort and safety are a priority.

    Who needs a chauffeur?

    Chauffeur services can be used by anyone who needs stylish and professional transportation from point A to B.

    While VIPs use these services, most chauffeur clients are ordinary people who value comfort, punctuality, professionalism, and security when travelling.

    Let’s look at the diverse range of people to whom chauffeur services like Driven Worldwide often cater.

    Special occasion guests – Need to travel to a special occasion in style? Whether you’re getting hitched or attending a funeral, christening, or any other event or party, hiring a chauffeur takes the stress out of travel arrangements and ensures you arrive in style and feeling relaxed.

    Tourists – Arranging transport and transfers when abroad can be daunting, especially if you’re travelling alone or don’t speak the local language. Using a chauffeur service makes travelling in another country simple and stress-free, so you can sit back and enjoy the adventure.

    Business professionals – This one’s a biggy. Business travellers are probably the most significant clientele for chauffeur services. There are numerous reasons why people may need to travel for business, including business meetings, conferences and events, and financial roadshows. Using chauffeur services helps business travellers arrive punctually, convey a professional image, and travel comfortably, perhaps even making business calls or catching up on emails during the journey.

    VIPs – High-profile figures like diplomats, politicians, government officials, royalty, and celebrities all value the punctuality, professionalism, and heightened security of chauffeur services.

    Individuals with mobility problems – Individuals with mobility limitations, including some older adults, appreciate the extra assistance chauffeurs provide. From carrying luggage to aiding with vehicle entry and exit, the presence of a chauffeur can provide an element of reassurance. They may use a chauffeur in their daily lives to help them get to medical appointments punctually or run everyday errands.

    Top 10 reasons to hire a chauffeur

    Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, hiring a chauffeur service could help ensure your journey runs smoothly.

    Here are our top 10 reasons to consider using a chauffeur service for your next trip.

    Punctual – When punctuality is a priority, you can rest assured that a chauffeur will get you to your destination promptly. Chauffeurs have extensive knowledge of the areas they work in, including traffic patterns and the fastest routes, enabling them to navigate swiftly and avoid delays. Never again will you need to worry about being late due to unreliable transportation.

    Secure – Chauffeur services prioritise your safety. Chauffeurs are trained to handle all kinds of driving situations, and many are trained in advanced driving techniques, including defensive driving, to ensure the safety of their passengers. Additionally, vehicles are regularly serviced and maintained to the highest standards. You could consider hiring a high-security chauffeur if security is a key concern. High-security chauffeurs are highly trained to provide safe and secure transportation, even in high-risk locations or circumstances.

    Stylish – No matter the event, arriving in style is a breeze when you travel with a chauffeur service. With their immaculately presented modern vehicles and professional and courteous drivers, you’ll always look the part when you hire a chauffeur to transport you.

    Consistent – When you hire a taxi, you can never be too sure what kind of service or driver you will receive. However, all chauffeurs are highly trained and professional drivers, so you can rest assured that you will receive a reliable and consistent standard of service, whether you require a short transfer or are going on a long trip.

    Comfortable – Chauffeurs drive new, state-of-the-art vehicles that prioritise passenger comfort. The vehicles are spacious, quiet, and clean, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

    Reliable – Chauffeurs are dependable; their professionalism, experience, and knowledge of the local area mean they know the best routes to avoid traffic to arrive at their destination punctually. This reliability takes the stress out of travel.

    Assistance – Chauffeur services go above and beyond driving. They help with luggage, provide local recommendations, offer accessibility assistance, and can adapt your journey as your plan unfolds. This extra assistance helps to make travel easy, convenient, and stress-free.

    Time-saving – When you travel with a chauffeur service, you can use your travel time more productively. Rather than focusing on driving, or journey details, you can catch up on emails, make important calls, or enjoy some downtime.

    Flexible – Chauffeur services are incredibly flexible. Need to make last-minute changes to your journey, make multiple stops, or have a complex itinerary? No problem. All of your journey’s details are handled with professionalism and efficiency. The flexibility of a chauffeur service ensures that your unique travel needs are always met.

    Cost-effective – Contrary to popular belief, chauffeur services are not as expensive as they seem. Considering the level of service, comfort, and convenience they offer, they provide excellent value for money.

    Driven Worldwide’s chauffeur services

    If you’re looking for a chauffeur service in a class of its own, look no further than Driven Worldwide. We combine global coverage with industry-leading technology and impeccable service standards. Let’s look at the key reasons why so many people worldwide choose our chauffeur services.

    Global coverage – We operate in more than 1,500 locations globally. Our dedicated global operations team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ensuring we’re always there when you need us. Every booking comes with a personal account manager, offering a single point of contact for your convenience.

    Executive-level vehicles – We take pride in our fleet of comfortable, executive-level vehicles that are always impeccably maintained. We don’t use vehicles older than three years, ensuring your journey is always smooth and luxurious.

    Professional and experienced drivers – We value professionalism and excellence, and our drivers reflect our ethos. Always well-presented, courteous, and highly experienced, our chauffeurs also possess extensive local knowledge, including parking, traffic conditions, and local services and attractions. Our chauffeurs are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure your journey goes smoothly.

    Advanced communication technology – We use advanced technology to make it simple and convenient for our clients to communicate with our team. These include an online portal, booking app, tracking app, and our ChaffeurCall system. Our industry-leading ChaffeurCall system is designed to ensure a seamless and enhanced communication experience. With ChauffeurCall, you will never be redirected to voicemail. Instead, if your chauffeur cannot answer your call, you will be transferred to your local Driven Worldwide office, where a member of our team will assist you with information or handle your query. We also give our clients their chauffeur details at least 48 hours before the journey.

    The global specialist roadshow provider – We are proud to be global specialists in roadshow services, setting exceptional standards in a unique niche. We cater to various types of global roadshows, including deal, non-deal, analyst, fixed income, investor, and field trip roadshows. Our network spans 1,200 locations across the globe, ensuring we can meet your needs wherever you might be. We collaborate with a trusted network of global affiliates to double-check and ensure the highest quality for every aspect of your booking. We successfully deliver over 12,000 roadshows each year and manage over 30,000 reservations.

    Want to learn more about our chauffeur services or request a free quote on a journey? Book a car or request a quote on our website today.

    -Brief Business Travel Insights

    18 Mar 2023

    Benefits of using chauffeur services for business travel

    When travelling for business, making the right impression is more important than ever. First impressions are especially important in business, and you only get one chance to make a good one!

    Whether travelling to meet a client or attend a conference, you’re representing your business in the real world, so it’s important to do everything you can to help things run smoothly.

    One way to do this is to book a business chauffeur service to handle your journey. When you trust transportation to the professionals, that’s one less thing on your plate to worry about.

    Let’s learn more about business chauffeurs and the benefits of choosing a corporate chauffeur service for business travel.

    What is a business chauffeur service?

    A business chauffeur specialises in providing efficient, luxury business travel for executives and professionals.

    They offer all the same benefits as a regular chauffeur but are experienced in business travel and may offer a range of specialist corporate chauffeur services.

    Some of the specialist services you can expect from a business chauffeur include:

    • Roadshows
    • Airport transfers
    • Conferences and events
    • High security
    • Managed journeys for complex itineraries

    Let’s discover why a corporate chauffeur is the only way to travel for business travel.

    Benefits of using a business chauffeur

    Punctuality – Punctuality should always be a priority when travelling for business. If you’re meeting a client or attending a conference, it looks unprofessional if you arrive late. Business chauffeurs have extensive knowledge of the local areas they work in, including traffic patterns, the fastest routes, and even shortcuts, ensuring you always arrive promptly.

    Professionalism – A big difference between chauffeurs and your average driver is that chauffeurs are trained in chauffeur etiquette. This training includes respecting your privacy and confidentiality, knowing when to engage in conversation and when silence is preferred, and providing courteous services like opening the car doors and handling luggage. This level of professionalism not only makes your journey more relaxing but also ensures you make the right impression upon arrival.

    Customer service – Business chauffeurs are known for their high level of flexibility and willingness to go above and beyond and offer personalised services to meet your needs.

    Comfort – When your journey is in the hands of a professional, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Business chauffeur cars are always new, modern, and stylish, providing a comfortable environment where you can unwind and ensuring you arrive at your destination feeling calm and unruffled.

    Convenience – Business chauffeurs strive to make your journey as hassle-free as possible. They can even manage complex itineraries and projects if required, relieving you of the stress of planning and coordination.

    Driven Worldwide corporate chauffeur services

    Driven Worldwide offers seamless, professional, and luxurious business chauffeur services in over 1500 locations worldwide.

    Contact our team today to get a quote on a journey or book a car.